What Are the Steps of Mediation?


Mediation is a structured negotiation process. During mediation, a neutral third party assists disputing parties to reach an agreement. This video offers viewers insight into the process and what mediation training involves.

What Happens During Mediation

The process starts with introductions. The mediator introduces themselves and establishes ground rules and guidelines for the process.

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Parties must adhere to these rules and guidelines regarding respectful communication. After that, each party will give an opening statement regarding their perception of the dispute and what they hope to achieve.

Next, the mediator opens the floor for joint discussion, allowing parties to engage with each other regarding the dispute. During this stage, parties share information, suggest possible solutions, and discuss their emotions. The mediator may consult with each party privately to explore each party’s interests, concerns, and priorities in more detail. The mediator’s role is to assist the parties in reaching an amicable solution that suits all parties involved.

The mediator helps parties draw a written agreement that outlines the details of the dispute and the resolution should the parties agree. The agreement may address specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities. After the parties sign the agreement, the mediator officially closes the mediation.

Mediators receive mediation training to provide this service. Mediation is a flexible process. These steps may be adapted to suit the needs of the parties involved. The mediator plays a key role in guiding the process.


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