How to get lower car insurance rates


In this video, Youtuber Think Insurance instructs viewers on how to achieve cheap car insurance.

This can be done by talking to a local agent, being mindful about credit score, or even buying the right car. Rates can vary depending on location and vehicle type.

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With that in mind, check multiple insurance companies to see who offers the best rates.

This also matters when moving, changing marital status, comparing comprehensive vs. collision, or even how many miles driven. A good driving record also matters. A safer driver means lower insurance rates.

The how insurance is paid can matter more than the what. Paying up-front for the full year can be less expensive than paying monthly. Another example is paying out of pocket for a little window chip after an accident, as filing a claim with an insurance company will make the person a “higher risk” driver, increasing overall rates.

Other ways to earn a discount include: having worked for the military, installing an anti-theft alarm on the vehicle, being 50 or older, taking an online defensive driving course, or even being mindful of occupational name, there are many ways to achieve cheap car insurance.

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